Monday, February 27, 2012

Purple Feather Farm's Horse Camp Day 5

Fantastic, Fun, Fabulous! Those are all great words to describe our final day of Horse Camp at Purple Feather Farm! I got pictures printed of everyone from throughout the week and we put together scrapbooks. All of the girls are so creative and all of their scrapbooks turned out wonderful! After a devotion, craft time and lunch we went to ride. On the last day everyone got to show off their new riding skills and take home all of their crafts and coloring pages. I think everyone had a wonderful time--I know I did!

Purple Feather Farm's Horse Camp Day 4

Since today was rainy we decided to have some indoor horsey fun. We watched a couple of The Saddle Club movies, popped pop corn, and baked horse treats. After the fog finally rolled away we went and fed the animals. Today was a fun, lazy day! Everyone needs a day like that every once in a while! Check out the pics:

Watching the Movie!

Watching the Movie!

Horse Cookies--Yum!

Purple Feather Farm's Horse Camp Day 3

Day 3 of camp at Purple Feather Farm was another beautiful day! We rode horses, colored pictures of horses, and played Horseopoly again. Eveyone loved that game so much! We also groomed all of the horses and fed the sheep and horses. The kids and horses all seemed to really enjoy the beautiful weather! See for yourself:
Brushing Koda

Awww! A kiss for Koda!
"I think we're going to be great friends!"
Another round of Horseopoly!

Kristina and Joker

Purple Feather Farm's Horse Camp Day 2

Despite the on/off rain and freezing temperatures, my five little campers still stuck it out and had a great time! Today we did lots of indoor/in-barn activities. We colored pictures of horses, learned about different breeds and colors of horses, decorated Valentine's Day cookies, ate Valentine's Day cookies, made Valentine's Day cards, played Horseopoly in the hayloft, and drank hot chocolate--and Koda didn't drink anyone's hot chocolate today, thankfully! The horses even got in on the celebrations and each got to eat a sugar cookie. Everyone had a lot of fun!

Check out some of the pictures from Day Two at Purple Feather Farm's Horse Camp:

Someone really, really liked sprinkles!

More cookies!

Hot chocolate and cookies--nothing could be better!

Faith in the middle of decorating.

Authentic Horseopoly, played in the hayloft of my barn on a "table" made of hay!

Purple Feather Farm's Horse Camp Day 1

The first day of camp at Purple Feather Farm was a great success! We painted horseshoes, fed the farm animals, brushed Red Rock, rode Joker, and gave treats to all three of the horses. The kids also colored and learned about what it takes to care for a horse. All of the girls were very sweet and got along great. Camp has been wonderful so far! I can't wait for tomorrow! Take a look at some of the pictures from today and see for yourself how much fun we've been having!
Even Koda wanted to make crafts! Silly horse!
Decorating Horseshoes

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