Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camp Patmos

For our family vacation we went to Camp Patmos, which is located on Kelleys Island, OH in the middle of Lake Erie. For my parents and my sister it was a blast from the past, for me it was a chance to see people and things I had always heard good things about. My parents lived in Ohio for a few years, found an amazing church, and made wonderful, lifelong friends. They also went to Camp Patmos with these friends every year and had such a great time that they are still talking about those times at Camp Patmos twenty two years later! The drive was long, but fun.

On our way we stopped in Cincinnati to visit The Creation Museum, which is all about equipping you to defend your faith. It's full of facts that back up Genesis. I loved it! The exhibits were well done and overall it was simply amazing! Plus, where else can you ride a real live camel?!?!?! Apparently, where we stayed has a high crime rate because during our two night stay Jack and Stephanie's van was broken into (the robbers got some library books, coloring books, a memory game, a base ball and glove, two DVD players, and a Bible, which I hope they read.) and we witnessed another robbery in broad daylight! Needless to say we were glad to leave lol!

After that adventure we drove a little bit further and stayed with some of my parents' friends. They were so nice and hospitable! Everything was wonderful! While we were at their house we went to the church my mom and dad used to go to, met a ton of their friends, saw my parents' old house, visited with more friends, and had a great time! Thank y'all for all of your kindness and hospitality!

Finally, on July 4th we got to camp! It was non-stop fun! We rode bicycles, went swimming, kayaked, rode in the speed boats, hung onto and fell off of the banana boat float (which you can get an idea of here), rode wave runners (that was one of the scariest and most fun things!), bought fun stuff at the Pop House (like ice-cream, t-shirts, bracelets, etc.), went letterboxing (we found 16! Which brings my total of found boxes 55! YAY!), looked for beach glass and fossils, hung out with friends, went to Chapel every morning and evening, where we learned even more about Creation, evolution and God's love from Carl Kerby. Interestingly enough Carl Kerby used to work with Answers in Genesis and was instrumental in the building of The Creation Museum. His new ministry is Reasons for Hope, which you can learn more about here. After ten days of focusing on God, His Truth, family, and fun I am so pumped and ready to share about what I learned! Camp was so much fun and I loved it so much! I really hope that we can go again!

Have questions about Creation, evolution and what God says about it all? Need hope? I'd be more than happy to talk! You can comment or email me here at: myhorseandme1[at]gmail[dot]com

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lioness Arising; Wake Up and Change Your World by Lisa Bevere

I've had this book for quite a while. I was going to read when my mom looked it over and decided that it was a bit too mature for me now, but that it would be good to read when I'm older. Well, I wasn't quite sure what to do since I wanted to do a review, but wasn't alowed to read it. That's when I remembered that my sister-in-law, Paige, read the book and wrote an excellent review of it on her blog. So, for the more mature readers of my blog that may benefit from reading this book, here is Paige's review:

"“If ever there comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known.” Matthew Arnold, Nineteenth- Century British Poet and Philosopher

This quote author and speaker Lisa Bevere uses in her latest book, Lioness Arising, just about sums up the theme for the entire book. If women will band together and rise up like a lioness then there is no telling how the world around us will change.

As Lisa was studying the scriptures she came across the verse in the book of Numbers 23:24 which said, “These people rise up like a lioness, like a majestic lion rousing itself. ” This verse along with a vision to see women change their world, inspired Lisa to study the lioness and share with women what we can learn from the lioness and how she behaves. Throughout the book Lisa reveals the characteristics of the lioness and inspires you to learn what it means to

be a stunning representation of strength

fiercely protect the young

lend your voice to the silenced

live in the light and hunt in the dark

raise a collective roar that changes everything.

I received a review copy of this book a few weeks ago, and while having three little ones has slowed my reading time down a bit, I had a hard time putting this book down each time I had a chance to read a chapter. I was engaged immediately in the book and inspired right down to the last word. All that is left now is for me to figure out how I can go and make a difference in this world we are living in.

If life has gotten you discouraged, frustrated or just bored and your ready to awaken the Lioness with in you then I highly recommend reading this book. As Lisa says on the back cover of the book…

“Women, it’s time to awaken.


God did not save you to tame you.


to a life of fierce passion.


to dangerous prayer, stunning power, and teamed purpose.


your response could very well change your world.



Thank you Paige for allowing me to use your review!
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