Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Letters from Beth

I love sending and recieving letters! I was thinking about this today as I wrote a few letters to my friends. I really do enjoy writing personalized cards and mailing them. I guess it's because I know how much it makes me happy to get something in the mail and it's so cool to think that I can make someone else that happy by doing something I love! So, if you would like to get a letter from Beth (lol) then email me your address at! I would be more than delighted to send you one!


  1. Beth, you are so funny. I love reading your blogs. They can be so funny and I feel like I am a part of everything going on there. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us.

    Amanda =)

  2. Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoy reading my blog! :) I really enjoy writing every post! You are so welcome! Would you like a letter? :) Thanks for the comment!

  3. Hi Beth! I came across your blog through atlas quest, I saw you replied to a post about what to carve next and I saw your stamp of a horse. I clicked on your profile, and then your blog. It is amazing how much you and my daughter are alike! She is home-schooled as well and is completely horse crazy. She LOVES to read as well. She wanted me to ask you if you have ever read the Dragon Quest series by Donita K. Paul. We noticed on your interview with atlas quest that you like dragons... the series of books are written by a Christin author! We are horseriders on atlas quest.
    Glad we found your blog, and keep up the inspiration! Teresa and daughter Marina


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