I admit I use and enjoy Facebook. I'll even go so far as to say I use it more than I should. But during all of this use I have decided there are some strange and silly things about Facebook.
1) The name. Why would I own a book of faces? And even if I did why would it be on the Internet? (Especially when Facebook is not set up in any way resembling a book.)
2) The apps. Some of the applications I find just plain stupid. These useless time-wasters include Bumper stickers. There are no cars to place them on so why in the world do I want to spend my time sending and receiving these? All of the "super poke" apps/ hugging/smile at you apps/ food fight apps/ etc. Really? Why? It's pretty self explanatory why I dislike these. One reason is because I would never do two of these things to (most of) my friends in real life and for the rest because I would like a real hug or smile better.
3) The poke button. Again, why? I would not poke (most of) you in real life so I find this unnecessary. And for the few of you I would poke (you know who you are) I get a lot more enjoyment out of it in person.
4) The "Top Friends". I think that only hurt could come of this really. Mostly because even when you have over a hundred friends you could make people feel bad when they aren't included.
5) When people post that they're bored. If I read another status that says, "I'm bored. Text me," I will simply explode. If you're bored and reading this I have some suggestions to dispell your boredom. Read a book. I even have a list of a few you might enjoy. Email me if this appeals to you. Go outside. Vitamine D is good for you and so is fresh air and exercise.
But to be fair I will now post five things I like about Facebook.
1) I like that we can upload and share pictures so easily.
2) I like the chat. Because it's faster than email or messaging and because you don't have to have the same email provider to chat.
3) I like the status. I like being able to show what I'm doing and to be able to keep up with family and friends that I might not be able to keep up with otherwise.
4) I love flair. 'nuff said.
5) I enjoy taking some of the quizes.
So say yay or nay. Feel free to comment, add or subtract to what I've posted all who read this.
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