I admit that, as people, President Obama and I would probably get along pretty well. I could see my family inviting his over for dinner or the other way around. I'm sure that he is a loving husband and caring father and I admire his accomplishments. It's when it comes to politics and morals that I begin to have problems with Obama. I abhor the fact that abortions are legal at all. And don't even try to give me the whole "choice" speech! Who gives the baby (that is what it is, a human being with rights from the very beginning,) the choice to live? I would love to give Obama the benefit of the doubt and say that he makes the choice to support this horrible practice because of ignorance but, I'm afraid that's not the case. I feel that he knows but chooses to disrespect the most basic of human rights which is the right to life. So, to put this in the strongest of terms: Barack Husein Obama has the blood of thousands of innocent children on his hands. When he dies he will have to answer to God (whether he believes he exists or not) for these murders. And if he happens to accept Jesus into his heart to save him he will reach heaven and have to face all the children who never got the chance to live on earth. I also find it hard to believe that Obama's health care reform plan will solve anything. He is preaching change when this exact (or close to exact) same plan has been placed in other countries and failed. What kind of change is that? (I don't think the the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." really applies to this.) Once again I would like to be able to blame this lack of insight on ignorance but again I don't think that is the case. Obama is a man with a plan -or agenda- and is very intelligent. In a way I respect him for his cunning and use of strategy. He is a masterful illusionist, well trained in the art of slight of hand. Always keeping his audience watching one political move (typically of little consequence) at the same time he pushes his next big object on the agenda. With the right mindset Obama would have made a wonderful president. He is already well educated, admirable, intelligent, a great speaker, and very convincing. But, in my opinion he's not putting those gifts to the best use. It seems that he does all of this with selfish motives; fame, power, etc. (Really it would be tough not to run for president without having those at least in the back of your mind.) Now, just imagine if he decided to give all of the glory to God, if he used the Bible to help make his choices, prayed to God to know what to say, and humbled himself enough to give it all over to Christ. How amazing would that be to have a humble, caring president who was concerned not just for himself, his agenda, and his own popularity, but a president who cared what God thought first and cared more about others than himself? I have only covered a tenth of what I would have liked to cover and not in as much detail as I want to provide, but I hope that this will help others understand my point of view. By the way, I would like to mention that I wrote this without once calling Obama or his supporters names or making a big deal out of race. I will end this without name calling but now I will mention race. I'm not even going to go back to his half white heritage but I would like to point out that we are all really one race and we are all equal. The human race is made up of many beautiful colors, shades, and variations. And the last time that I checked the most important parts of a person were their mind and soul and those are not affected by the amount of melanin in your skin.
Once again I welcome you to comment though there are some regulations. All comments are moderated and if they include foul language, name calling, etc. your comment will not be published.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I totally agree with this post. I guess all we can do at this point is to pray that our president and other national leaders will look to God for wisdom in dealing with the difficult issues that our country is facing. God can change anybody. I just pray that President Obama's eyes will be opened. Thanks for sharing.
Also, have you read "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan? This book has really opened my eyes to what it means to love the Lord with all your heart.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you liked my blog! Yep, even though it's sometimes hard to pray for them we must. And we need to keep in mind that God is in control and he appoints all the rulers (even the bad ones) for a reason. That is my hope. That one day he would wake up and realize what he's doing.
ReplyDeleteNo, I haven't read "Crazy Love" yet. My mom and sister have both read it and said it was really good and I would like to read it soon.
Thanks for the comments!