Well, I've been researching how to draw more readers to my blog and I've learned a few things about you (my audience) that I didn't know. One thing is that out of all the people that read my blog only 1% will comment. That makes the rest of you "lurkers". If you're the kind of person who reads and observes but doesn't participate then you're a "lurker". Now if you beg to differ then I challenge you to comment. So, I've got less reader then I'd like and out of the ones I've got 99% of you don't make yourselves known. What do you have to say for yourselves? (hint, hint, you're supposed to comment now). Another thing about y'all is that you don't subscribe. That means that you're missing out on stuff. This part doesn't effect me as much as it effects you though. One more thing that I've learned is that maybe I should offer you a chance to participate more. Comment here and tell me what subjects you would like to have posted and I am going to start posting polls regularly so that I can hear your input more often. Also, I'd appreciate it that if you enjoy my blog and you blog that you add my blog to your "Blogs I read" section (Like I've done for the blogs I read) and if you twitter make one tweet about my blog. I love your encouraging words and comments and really hope to grow my blog into something the Lord can use.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Things To Look Forward To
Well, I've got a whole bunch of things lined up for my blog in the coming weeks. I have at least 6 book reviews, 1 interview with an author, and many other exciting things besides. The coming up books include Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear by Max Lucado which I am reading now, Faces In The Fire by T.L. Hines, Bang The Keys: Four Steps To A Lifelong Writing Practice by Jill Dearman, TIME! For Kids- President Obama: A Day In The Life Of Our Leader, TIME! Great Discoveries: Explorations That Changed History, and Hope: Lessons From A Hummingbird. I have a date set for an interview over the phone with Boots Hensel the author of The Zoopendous Surprize. Be looking forward to this and more in September!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Death, Loss, Life, Family, and Funerals
This week my grandmother passed away at the age of 89. Mrs. Glenda Eavenson lived her life well and although her mind wasn't always as good as used to be in the later years that I knew her I knew her as an active community centered woman who loved God. For her love of God I am thankful because I know that I will see her again in heaven and that as corny as it sounds she really is in a better place now. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is difficult and I will always miss her. Over the years I realized that I had a lot in common with her including 4-H. She was a county extension agent for many years and a life long teacher (including teaching the fifth grade). But even in the midst of death I have been able to glimpse new life. My grandmamma died on Thursday and my 7 year-old niece's birthday was Friday. My niece and nephew's birthday party was on Saturday and the funeral on Sunday. So I was able to celebrate two young lives and one finished life. I hate that the reason we all came together was to mourn the loss of life but getting to see the majority of my dad's side of the family was nice. One of the strangest things in life is the way we treat death. One of the wierdest things about death is the funeral. The funeral isn't so much for the dead but for those of us left behind. And even though it's for us we make it so that we're all as uncomfortable as possible and as awkward as all get out. I do admit that out of all the funerals I've ever attended my grandmother's was one of the best as far as funerals go. The service and the preaching were both very well done and nice. At my funeral I have a few requirements in order for you to attened. Those requirements will include: you cannot wear black. You must wear blue, pink, purple, yellow, orange, or green. Also, you must pick out only my favorite songs to play and not "funeral hymns" those songs could be Fireflies by Owl City, Automatic by Stellar Kart, and Comatose by Skillet. And most importantly... I want my funeral to take place before I die. You want to know why? Because everyone that you haven't seen in years show up once your dead. So, when I'm up there in years I'll call a pastor and a funeral director and I'll pretend that I'm dead and the pastor and funeral director will be in on it and they'll help me plan my funeral. Then everyone will show up and sit in the church all solemn like and I'll pop out of the casket, thank them all for coming, and explain why I'm not dead. Well, that is all I have to say for now.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Zoopendous Surprise written by Boots Hensel and illustrated by Andrea Gabriel
The Zoopendous Surprise is a delightful book, sure to capture the imagination of any child. Boots Hensel, the author, is creative with her use of words but she makes it so that the words are easily understood by the children who are reading or being read to.
My nieces and nephew love the use of vibrant colors in the illustrations by Andrea Gabriel. The animals were lifelike enough that they really looked like good representatives of their real life counterparts but they are still animated and interesting for the children to look at.
What makes the book even better is that it is based on something that actually happened. It is written in loving memory of the author’s daughter, Courtney, who was the keeper and caregiver of the real live Mary and Ellen who live at the Little Rock Zoo. I’m not going to tell you the plot because it’s a surprise but you and your kids are sure to love it! It provides just enough suspense to keep even the youngest kids involved in the story.
My nieces and nephew love the use of vibrant colors in the illustrations by Andrea Gabriel. The animals were lifelike enough that they really looked like good representatives of their real life counterparts but they are still animated and interesting for the children to look at.
What makes the book even better is that it is based on something that actually happened. It is written in loving memory of the author’s daughter, Courtney, who was the keeper and caregiver of the real live Mary and Ellen who live at the Little Rock Zoo. I’m not going to tell you the plot because it’s a surprise but you and your kids are sure to love it! It provides just enough suspense to keep even the youngest kids involved in the story.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Coming Up...
My book reviewing has been profitable in many ways (though non of those include making money). One way is that it helps fund my book addiction. I am addicted to reading books like other people are addicted to coffee or twitter. This year alone I've read over 30 books. Now the typically outdated library books (although I admit that I love classics and older volumes) are not the only ones I can afford (because they're free). For all the books I review I receive a free advance copy of the book. The two most prominent books whose reviews should come soon are: Fearless by: Max Lucado. Fearless is being released in September and my review should be posted around the first of the month. the second is The Holy Bullet And the review will be written as soon as the book is received and read. I also have a few children's books lined up to come. Stay posted for more reviews by a Book-aholic.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
God must be trying to explain something about patience and waiting this last week and a half or so. I've been eagerly expecting a couple of review books. Some for as long as two weeks now and so far none have come. For the first week as soon as my mom got home I would run and get the mail and spend the afternoon waiting for the UPS or FEDEX truck to come but no books arrived either way and if ever I went away from the house as soon as I would get home I would grab the mail and check the front porch for any packages. But still none have come. If you know me then you know that by this time my patience has run out and I occasionally grumble about yonder publishing house or the carelessness of the shipping companies. (I am not known for patience but rather for my lack there of. Even though I am typically a quiet person I have a relatively short fuse.) If you didn't know that about me then you know me a little better now. So, I am finally starting to cool off and I'm beginning to see this as an opportunity to exercise, strengthen, and lengthen my patience when waiting. Now to wait and wait and wait and try to do so without a single complaint.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Career Possibilities
So, I'm exploring the many career possibilities that require the use of word building skill. The world of writing has long been my niche. I hope to one day get my name in print one way or another. Working with words is a wondrous hobby that I would like to turn into my dream job. This year I've been expanding my horizons (excuse the cliche) in many ways including starting this blog, expanding my audience (which is a task I am still busy with and probably will be busy with forever), and most recently I have been reviewing for various publishing and publicity companies. This endeavour has given me a glimpse into the publishing aspect of writing and shown me that I might even enjoy being an editor and reading manuscripts or owning and running my own publishing house. While I still love to write (and here I will hint to you that I am working on a story that is proving to be my most promising book attempt so far) I might also enjoy other areas of the writing realm.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Forest Guard
I love the Circle Series by: Ted Dekker and I am so excited that he is coming out with the fourth book, Green which is being released on September first of this year. Because I am so excited I have joined the promotional team for this book dubbed The Forest Guard. That name is derived from the books. So far thanks to all of my willing friends who have already signed up as a recruit to receive more info on this fantastic book I have made Lieutenant status. This means that I will get my name printed in Ted's next book under the Lieutenant section. But with your help I can earn more points (I need 645 points and I get 100 points per recruit) I can achieve Captain status and I will have my name printed under Captain and I will receive a free advanced copy of Green. But besides helping me I think that these are some awesome books that God is using to bring the plan of salvation to people who may never know it besides from these books. So, sign up and become a recruit by either clicking on the badge below or going to this address: http://teddekker.com/readgreen and when you do be sure to use my forest guard number: 7223 or else I won't get the points. Hurry up and join!
~Elyon's Strength
~Elyon's Strength

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